Winter Club of English
Winter Club of English je neformálna iniciatíva pre študentov, ktorí sa raz za týždeň stretávajú, aby si v diskusiách na zaujímavé témy precvičili to, čo sa naučili na hodinách anglického jazyka. Klub mal minulý rok 9 členov a ich hodnotenie aktivít bolo veľmi pozitívne (napr. net promoters 8,8 z 10). Je aktívny každý rok od novembra do mája. Koordinátorom klubových aktivít je pán Oldřich Vaňous.
Registračný formulár tu>>>
Oldřich Vaňous, koordinátor: "Kreativita, rešpekt a učenie sa jeden od druhého je to, na čom klub stavia. Vždy nám je ľúto, keď v máji zatvárame ročník."
Členovia klubu 2022-23: Čo sa nám páčilo a čo by sme chceli zlepšiť.
I liked:
- We were working on both our English and creativity as well
- The talking about us.
- The presentations we had to make and the games we played, discussions as well. Presentations were really good because we could gain the presentation skills and practise eye contact.
- The beginning of the sessions when we shared stuff about our day/week.
- The games - it doesn't matter what type, because every single one was perfect.
To improve:
- I think it was all good but I liked the games where I had to describe the photos and I think that it gave me a lot.
- Limit watching so many videos and play more games and talk more instead.
- Everything was great but there's always room for improvement. From my point of view, next year we could discuss a wider range of topics, such as arts, history or music. But still, the topics we discussed were very interesting.
- I think that the natural flow of the session was ideal and I don't know about anything I would like to change.
- The presentations - people were probably afraid of that - maybe that's the reason why they stopped coming; they maybe imagined that it would be just about talking, that they wouldn't have to prepare anything at home and that's not like school, but that's like after school activity for relax; but for me I liked those presentations because I could develop my skills.